Breaking NewsSIR volunteers and news service reports
updated Thursday PM

There was a confirmed sighting of Mark Thomas without coffee at the start of a permanent yesterday. Multiple witnesses confirmed that Mark passed up coffee at the start of the Hood Canal Loop 2.0 ride. No coffee on the ferry ride over from Seattle either. Witnesses were torn as to whether Mark was actually taunting the coffee stand at the Bainbridge ferry terminal by turning his back to it (above).

This odd behavior lasted for 28K until Port Gamble, where he made a beeline for the Espresso stand. Subsequent stops at the Chimacum Bakery and Brinnon pie shop (not to mention the German sausage & beer at Fritz's next to the ferry terminal) confirmed that the morning's start was an aberration and all was back to normal.
Theories for this unusual behavior abound, with the leading premise being the rush from almost showing up at the start of the ride without his bike. Mark confirmed that on the way to drop his wife off at the airport before heading to the ferry, she asked "where's your bike?". Oops! Fortunately for us all, but unfortunately for his son, Mark was rescued. A rendevouz with his son (and bike!) in the wee hours along 405 saved Mark valuable minutes, and he made it to the start in time.
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